My Ideal Code Editor

I have been doing some thinking about what my ideal code editor should be. I currently use VSCode, both to edit this site and to play around with code. However, VSCode is actually too powerful for my needs. And it lacks one crucial feature (that's pretty much lacking from almost every text/code editor outside of TextEdit and Notepad): proper Arabic language and Right-to-Left (RTL) support.[1]

I tried several editors (honestly none more than 5 minutes) and I always go back to VSCode because of how comfortable it is. I tried Helix, but could not live in the Terminal or modal editing. Tried Zed .. and it honestly just felt weird. Looked at CodeEdit, which is a really interesting project that brings the Xcode aesthetic down to code editor level, but it is still a work in progress, and it still doesn't deal with RTL properly.[2]

This post is more for my own records than anything. Whenever I start on the great My Ideal Code Editor (Code name: MICE, or KTB, or whatever), I have a nice feature list to stick to.

Has Not

MICE lacks the following features:


However, MICE has these nice features:

High Level Features:

Coding Features

What else? I don't know. I might add to this page once I think of anything or start any project.

  1. There are Markdown editors that support Arabic decently enough, such as Bear and Obsidian. But those do not handle HTML and Sass and what goes into editing a website, even ones as simple as this.

  2. 2024-09-26: I also came across CotEditor. Looks nice and has good CJK support, with vertical text.